How we can help

Compassion • Accountability • Respect • Excellence

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Personal Care

We pride ourselves on making our service users be as independent as possible, supporting them with their basic cleanliness and being able to perform simple tasks to ensure they have continued good health. Here is how we can help


Quite often people will have difficulties washing themselves without assistance. If the body is not washed on a regular basis it will form bacteria and fungus, which thrive on body sweat, this can result in rashes on the skin. Not only will regular bathing help protect the skin, but it will also prevent serious infections from spreading. Feeling clean and well groomed is also essential for maintaining your confidence and self-esteem. General hygiene tasks that our carers and support workers will be expected to perform includes:

  • Help with grooming, shaving or hair brushing

  • Assistance and support changing continence aids

  • Washing and bathing

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Administration of Medication

Often our service users are required to take regular medication for a variety of different medical conditions. This is often essential for them to live a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle. Part of the responsibility of our carers role is to ensure that any required medication is taken at the correct times safely and that the correct dosage is used.

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Getting up and putting to bed

Our service users will quite often have difficulties in performing simple tasks in the morning and before going to bed. Morning tasks for carers and support workers will include helping to get out of bed, making breakfast, making bed and any hygiene tasks that are required. This will help our service users feel ready for the day ahead of them.

Evening tasks will include making supper, any required personal hygiene tasks and assisting to get into bed.

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Appointment Assistance

Our service users will regularly have appointments with hospitals, doctors and other places. Often they will be unable to attend these appointments on their own and our carers and support workers are required to assist them. All of our carers are fully insured to carry their service users in their own cars.

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Outings and hobbies

Our community carers and support workers will encourage and support our service users to participate in their preferred hobbies, interests or visit places of interest to them. Staying physically active and doing things that they enjoy is important and allows them to lead a more fulfilling and enjoying healthy lifestyle. Our carers and support workers will accompany services users to lunch meetings, attend social clubs or plan outings.

This will allow them to have much needed social interaction throughout the day preventing isolation improving mental health and health and well being

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Often people may be unable to leave their home due to their health conditions and physical mobility issues, which can lead to them becoming isolated and lonely. This can actually lead to deterioration in their state of mental health. We provide a service where our community carers and support workers can stay with them to provide companionship and someone to comfort them and talk to.

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If you would like more information please get in touch with our specialist team