Domiciliary Care

Compassion • Accountability • Respect • Excellence

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People often choose domiciliary care services because they wish to remain in the comfort of their own home rather than moving to a care home. Service users are able to live within an environment where they are happy and close by to their friends or loved ones.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our domiciliary care services we provide in the Merseyside area. We believe everyone should have the right to live within the comfort of his or her own home for as long as possible.

Domiciliary care makes this wish possible through private or Government funding. We provide domiciliary care services to adults and the elderly.  Care Quality Commission regulates us and we carry out frequent staff training, spot-check and staff supervision and internal quality checks including client satisfaction questionnaires.

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Policies & Procedures

The company and all its members are subject to a thorough and extensive code of practice collated by Human Resources with input from experienced industry managers.

The manual covers all features of operational tasks including finance, health and safety, medication, whistleblowing, recruitment, disciplinary procedures, employee leave entitlement including but not limited to sickness, holidays and maternity, abuse and discrimination, visitors and security, confidentiality, record-keeping and emergency contingency planning.

Quality Assurance & Auditing

All services are subject to regular internal checks and external inspections by regulatory bodies such as The Care Quality Commission (CQC) and specific Health and Safety governing bodies.

Audits are completed to ensure services are running in line with National Minimum Standards, the Essential Standards of Quality and safety and that all of CQC’s points of compliance have been achieved.

Each property is assessed on all the different aspects of care provided with strong emphasis on Safeguarding, Choice, Finances, Medication, Cleanliness and Safety of the environment, and support offered to staff members. If high standards are maintained in all areas, then the company is providing the high quality of cares expected throughout the industry.

Future Living Care ethos is not to simply meet these standards but surpass them. Every staff member is encouraged to obtain excellent knowledge of auditing bodies and processes and continually promote the high standards that the company endeavours to offer.

Risk Assessments

All activities that take place within the company are thoroughly risk assessed to ensure they are completed in the safest way possible and in line with relevant legislation.

Tasks assessed include health and safety procedures, general household upkeep, security, hygiene, trip hazards and person-centred pastimes and care needs.

Policies and procedures are created in line with all relevant legislation to ensure working practices adhere to these and that all tasks are completed to a high quality across the board.

Management ensures that these policies and procedures are applied in a person-centred way that suits the needs and preferences of each service user.

Other vital documents that dictate the working practice of employees are the service users’ individual plan of support which acts as a guide for staff on how to provide care to each particular person.

Risk assessments specific to individual service users are created in line with their individual support guidelines to ensure every person is involved with the management and reduction of potential risks in their lifestyle.

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If you would like more information please get in touch with our specialist team